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Two very different activities

Northern Senegal : Between desert and backwater ponds

When thinking of a hunting trip for small game in West Africa, the first place that comes to mind is certainly not the extreme north of Senegal. However, the surroundings of the river Saint-Louis, a desert area with a multitude of enormous ponds, has a concentration of thousands upon thousands of birds, aquatic and terrestrial, migratory and sedentary. For recreational hunters and real lovers of outstanding landscapes, this is an absolute paradise.

picto period travel hunting Sable Safari

PERIODFrom December to February

picto comfort travel hunting Sable Safari


picto difficulty travel hunting Sable Safari



Eastern Senegal : the cradle of hunting in Africa!

During the 70’s, hunting for small game in French Africa became very popular. At this time, Senegal was the first destination offered by travel agents. Since then, the appreciation for what the country offers, has never disappointed. This reality couldn’t be ignored by SABLE SAFARI. In parallel and complementing the rare jewel found in the north of the country, we can offer you one of the leading products of the eastern part of Senegal.

picto period travel hunting Sable Safari

PERIODDe Janvier à Avril

picto comfort travel hunting Sable Safari


picto difficulty travel hunting Sable Safari


agence voyage hunting chasse sénégal

Our hunting trips to Senegal allow us to...

Waterfowl hunting

Small game & birds hunting